Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Rat diary episode 1

#The Rats Diary

My name is Berry the rat. Are you wondering  how rats might have a life. Of coz rats do live their lifes just like humans.Trust me, this story is based on true life story.
Rats can be a despised  and rejected  by humans  but rats are still  the best kind of living  things  that can happen to the Earth. I personally  see myself as a very special rat.
Rats live in packs in each human house and we try to clear  up some unfinished  foods of your  house,and of course maybe you are too careless  to open ur food and you fail to keep them away from our reach, we try to help u eat the part we can eat and leave  the rest. One thing commendable about us is that we'll  never eat up ur food items, we just try and eat a bit and leave the rest. But its funny  as human throw away food items that we might have given some bite. I need to clear it to u guys that we don't  spread virus... I mean... We are not bats in the bush that share ebola virus. We rats are meant to be like pets,though there's a story behind rats not being kept as pets in Nigeria and I'll be revealing this story to u guys later in this story.
*Life as a rat in Nigeria is full of adventure...we travel from places to places to get a better place to feed. I'm sure no human being can travel within the country as we rats do. Name it... Kano, kaduna, jos, lagos, borno and many other states.
I was born in Borno. I loved my parents so dearly, they named me berry because i was born in a Fruit shop were berry was sold and also my mother delivered me while terrorising a berry fruit in the shop. I loved the name berry especially when i discovered that white people are also named berry.
Unfortunately for my parents they got burnt  by one of the massive bombing in borno state and i survived with some injuries.
After i survived that bombing and i traveled to Ijebu in ogun state. Ijebu is a very hard state for rats. Although, in the houses we stayed in ijebu there was no one trying to kill us but there was no leftover food for us to feed on, most people in ijebu are the most stingiest people u can ever leave with. They normally have their food kept far away from us. I met some pack of rats that we lived together in an old woman house. The house was a big one but the old woman is a loner. She lived alone, her children had left her all alone. People  said that the woman was a witch  and this made people flee from her. I and the pack of rats lived alone in a big room, the old woman  never cared of us living with  her.the only issue was that she had all her food well kept in a chained cupboard (she was an ijebu witch indeed). We rats only fed on papers and clothes of the old woman's children  tha lived in the room we are presently living .
The room was like a big village  to the rats,We called it RATCLAN. We had a population  of over 127rats(we conduct census everynite to confirm none of us had died during the day).
We also had a leader rat who was Rattus.

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